• Welcome to Our Quick Survey

    Last year SDS implemented a “soft close” payroll process so that districts could run the teacher July and August payrolls, in June, to acquire the TRS liabilities that needs to be paid by 7/10. While this process was a great success for that purpose, it posed issues with those that changed insurance rates in July and August. This was because no changes can be made to deductions or benefits when those “soft close” payrolls are completed in July and August. At this time we are planning on using this same method of processing July and August FY21 teacher payrolls in June to “collect” the FY21 TRS liabilities. With that being said, we would like you to answer the below questions:
  • Do your insurance premiums change in July or August?
  • If so, can the new premiums take affect the first payroll of FY22?
  • Do you have other deduction and benefit rate changes in July or August?
  • If so, can the new premiums take affect the first payroll of FY22?
  • Notes

    Note: This will not apply to administrators whose FY22 contracts start in July because their salary would be paid out by the end of June. Please understand that we can’t address every scenario. We are looking to implement a process that will be most widely used.